agree that we live in a world that has gone mad, and which is greedy and
selfish. Human beings have this innate
ability to over consume, be it food, cars, houses, or technology. We seem to think that this will buy us
happiness but it comes at a cost - heavy debt, declining health, and stress. Over consumerism has resulted in mass
production of products which lack any true style or craftsmanship and are soon outdated causing us to live in a disposable society.
essays in Solitary Thoughts focus on the author's feelings about these various
subjects. The presentation of the book is excellent, the cover is very tasteful
and each essay is not too long; but there is negativity surrounding each one so
I found that reading just one or two at a time every couple of days was
enough. I did find the essays rather
verbose and I needed to read each one a couple of times to fully comprehend
what the author was actually trying to convey.
favourites were "The Dancer" which is the most optimistic of the
essays, and I really liked "Theatre of the Mind" (as its structure is
reminiscent of my favourite short story Midnight Express by Alfred Noyes).
essays are not light reading, nor are they uplifting, but each one does contain
something profound which makes it worthwhile taking a look at this
independently published book.