When Dickens was a young boy his father was sent to the Marshalsea
debtor’s prison whilst the young Dickens went out to work in a blacking
warehouse. This very
negative experience served as inspiration for this novel. The character ‘Little Dorrit’ is
Amy Dorrit, a slight young woman, who is born into the Marshalsea and has lived
there all her life up to the point where the story first commences. She looks after her father, an
impoverished gentleman, and finds work sewing for people outside of the Marshalsea,
whilst her siblings enjoy a better life living with their uncle.
When the Dorrit's receive a change of fortune Amy finds it very
hard to live on the other side of the prison walls having known nothing
else. Mr Dorrit, known as
the ‘Father of the Marshalsea’, in respect of the many years he has endured
there, is a very arrogant and selfish man. He soon rejects all those who have
helped him and befriended him in the past and takes his family abroad. However, even distance does not give
him piece of mind, for he lives in fear that his children might let something
slip in society or that he will meet someone who is familiar with his previous
There is another storyline which centres on the House of Clennam
and a suspicious foreign criminal, but I found it rather messy and hard to
follow. The main character
from this storyline is Arthur Clennam and he links the two stories having
befriended the Dorrits during their imprisonment (Amy had done some sewing for
his ailing but iron-willed mother). Arthur
also has dealings with the wonderfully named ‘Circumlocution Office’, which is
a government department and a prime example of how things should not be
done. Dickens shows his
satirical prowess to great advantage when writing about this office.
There are many other characters, some relevant and some just
filler, but by far my favourite was the kind hearted Flora Finching.
Flora and Arthur had been sweethearts and when they meet again on Arthur's
return from overseas she is much changed ie rather rotund and older for her
age. What I loved about her were the references she made about herself,
and her weight, and the long dialogues which she delivers at a rate of knots
whilst drifting off subject in a big way before finding her way back again. She
had me laughing every time, I thought she was brilliant.
Another good character was John Chivery who works at the
Marshalsea. He loves Amy Dorrit, his childhood friend, but is usurped by
Arthur Clennam. He comes up with various epitaphs for his own headstone
relevant to whatever event has taken place in each of his scenes. Ie Here lie the mortal remains of John
Chivery, never anything worth mentionin', who died of a broken heart, requested
with his last breath that the word "Amy" be inscribed over his ashes
which was accordingly directed to be done by his afflicted father.
I thought him very adorable and heartbreaking!
The BBC have a wonderful adaptation available, you can see the
trailer here: Little Dorrit
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